Meet our team!
Hello and welcome to Lakeside Adventure.
Here you can read about us, the people who work at Lakeside.
André started the business together with his mother Ingegerd in 1997. André has a background in outdoor leadership with Friluftsfrämjandet, where his passion for outdoor activities began and flourished through a wide range of activities and training.
Interests: Outdoor life is the common denominator that also includes skiing, hunting, sailing, and paddling, to name a few. He also loves dogs, and his dog, Accio, joins him on most adventures in his free time and even on some activities at work.
- University degree in Civil Engineering
- Youth leader with Friluftsfrämjandet
- Kayak leader with Friluftsfrämjandet and the Swedish Canoe Association
- GSRT (Basic Safety and Rescue Technique) instructor for the Swedish Canoe Association
- Ski instructor with Friluftsfrämjandet
- Long distance ice skating leader with Friluftsfrämjandet
- Ice rescue instructor
- Examiner for Euro Paddle Pass Level GREEN
- SOFTSKILLS personal profiles
- Ship officer class 8
- Also works three days a week as a teacher in leadership and outdoor life at REAL-gymnasium, which educates future adventure guides.
Areas of expertise: Main activity instructor, all year round. Works with all aspects of the company, both in terms of practical implementation or administration, finance, and personnel matters. He is also one of the part-owners of the tour boat Oden that operates in the canal.
Agnes Brokås, employed since January 5th, 2015
Interests:Outdoor activities such as skiing, paddling, and long distance ice skating. Also interested in the Swedish Sea Rescue Society.
- Kayak leader with Friluftsfrämjandet and the Swedish Canoe Association
- Ice rescue instructor for SLS (Swedish Life Saving Society)
- Euro Paddle Pass Level GREEN examiner
- Ski instructor with Friluftsfrämjandet
- Nordic ice skating leader and training coordinator with Friluftsfrämjandet
- Ship officer class 8
- Ship engineer class 8
- Basic safety for maritime activities
- Volunteer sea rescuer with SSRS (Swedish Sea Rescue Society)
- Diving certification, Open Water
- Worked as a ski instructor in Lofsdalen and as a wilderness guide at Icehotel, Jukkasjärvi
- Recipient of the Gustav and Gregers Memorial Fund scholarship
- Sjövärnskåren (Sweden’s Naval Volunteers)
- Recipient of the Ryla youth training scholarship – Rotary Hallstahammar
Areas of expertise: Activity instructor/event leader. Works with various aspects of the company, both in terms of practical implementation and administration. She is also one of the part-owners of the tour boat Oden that operates in the canal.
Tintin Nilsson, employed since 2019
Tintin started as an intern with us and has been employed ever since.
Interests: Climbing is on the top the list, and Tintin is one of the youngest certified climbing intstructors in Sweden. When she’s not with us, you can find her at Klättercentret, either climbing or educating others on climbing safety. She also enjoys the outdoor life, and her backpack is always packed for new adventures.
- Certified indoor climbing instructor
- Assistant instructor for outdoor climbing
- Climbing course coordinator for Klättercentret Västerås
- Euro Paddle Pass Level GREEN
- GSRT (Swedish Canoe Association)
- CPR and First Aid
- Ice rescue instructor
Areas of expertise: Tintin is present at our rentals, canoedeliveries, and on the water/ice. She works as a guide for all activities and events throughout the year.
Emma Kvist, employed since 2023, and our latest addition
Interests: Emma is always on the move. When she’s not at Lakeside Adventure, you can find her in a kayak with Friluftsfrämjandet. She also works at Hööks and has two horses, with a focus on trotting.
- Kayak leader level 1 with the Swedish Canoe Association and Friluftsfrämjandet
- Euro Paddle Pass Level GREEN
- GSRT (Swedish Canoe Association)
- CPR and First Aid
- Trotting driver
Areas of expertise: Emma is present at our rentals, deliveries, and on the water, and will also be conducting some kayakcourses during the summer. Like the rest of us, she serves as a guide for summer activities and events.
We are retailers for:
Tahe Marine – kayaks
Nova Craft – canoes
Fischer – Nordic long distance ice skates
Zandstra – Nordic long distance ice skating equipment
André Axelsson Friluftsliv i Västmanland AB
Org nr 556539-2411