An adaptable adventure where both the starting point and end point are the same, our self-service canoe rental next to “Westerqwarn restaurant”
Find and unlock your canoe with the code you got via the link we sent you on SMS or email. Unlock the small shed with our logo next to the canoes, and retrieve the paddles and life jackets.
A trip from Westerqwarn offers paddling in in both calm canal and smaller lakes such as “Ladugårdssjön” near Strömsholm. When you paddle across the lake Ladugårdssjön you can see Strömsholms Castle, but don’t paddle all the way to the castle because there are rapids there! Instead keep to the right edge of the lake. You can paddle all the way to the canal locks in Strömsholm if you like, just make sure you got enough energy to return to westerqwarn in you canoe.
The Canadian canoe is an open boat with 3 seats. This boat is easy to pack and can be paddled with a single paddle. It is great for smaller lakes and river trips. The Canadian canoe has a total maximum weight capacity of 250kg, with a maximum of 200kg for human weight. In our canoes, we take a maximum of 2 adults per boat. We use the middle seat for smaller children. Alternativly, you can seat 3 smaller teenagers in a canoe if they don´t exceed the weightlimit.